Renée Spencer D-LTO-061

Renée Spencer D-LTO-061 is a Luftfahrtbundesamt (LBA) recognized Language Testing Organization based in Germany, qualified and certified to provide ICAO English Language Examinations for Levels 4, 5 and 6.



Levels and Validity

Level 4 - Validity 4 years

ICAO Level 4 represents the minimum language level required for flying in international air traffic in all countries of the world. Your Language skills are considered sufficient if they correspond to at least level 4. The operational level (ICAO Level 4) is also required to be allowed to use the English language for R/T (radio telephony) purposes.

Level 5 - Validity 6 years

ICAO Level 5 is located between the minimum requirements (Level 4) and the expert level (Level 6). This level is particularly desirable for those aiming for a career in aviation. The requirements and expectations are higher for level 5 exams.

Level 6 - Unlimited validity

ICAO Level 6 is the maximum language level that can be achieved. Level 6 is considered the Expert ICAO level. The demands and expectations of this level are very high. Suitable for people with a very good knowledge of English.



ICAO English Level 6 Examination

16:00 - 20:00 Egelsbach, Germany
ICAO Level 6 is the maximum language level that can be achieved. Level 6 is considered the Expert ICAO Level. The demands and expectations of this level are very high.

our team

Qualified, Professional and Friendly

Examination format based on strict criteria, high quality facilities and excellent location. Just a few reasons why your English Language Proficiency exam is in the best hands with Spencer Aviation Language D-LTO-061 Renée Spencer. We ensure that your Examination process is undertaken in a relaxed atmosphere by a professional and friendly team.


Why D-LTO-061?

Some excellent reasons why your English Language proficiency test is in good hands with us.

ICAO Levels 4, 5 & 6

ICAO English Language Proficiency Examinations for Levels 4, 5 and 6.

Made in Germany

LBA recognized Language Testing Organisation based in Germany

Qualified and Friendly Team

Examination process undertaken in a relaxed atmosphere by a professional and friendly team.

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What our clients say

Excellent service, Professional Examiners!!
Student Pilot
Can only recommend this Testing Organisation! I was helped quickly and, above all, professionally to revalidate my English Language Proficiency.

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